Wednesday, 27 November 2013

What Is Trophy Hunting?

If you are not a hunter, you might get a wrong notion about trophy hunting. They have the notion that the word ‘trophy’ refers to the head of the game. So a hunter hunts, removes the head and leaves the rest behind. But that is against the hunting ethics and illegal. So what is trophy hunting actually? To hunters this means to pursue to large mammals, especially, male games and hunt them down. That’s what trophy hunting is all about for most of the hunters.

So trophy for most of the hunters mean achieving a certain score. Setting a score for yourself is completely your choice. Score here is figurative here. For a hunter it is completely a personal choice what kind of game he wants to hunt. When you see a big mammal walking past you and feel that you want to see it on your wall, it is fine. Go ahead. Whitetail deer or Moose, the choice is yours. Pull the trigger when you are absolutely sure about it. this is one of the reasons why a lot of hunters do not pursue wildebeest, geese or warthog.

There are hunters across the world who await the hunting season each year and travel to America or Africa for their hunting expeditions. A lot of them are fortunate enough to have come across opportunities to hunt the big bucks in several places. While the size of the games matter but when you find exceptional species, that, too, would become a trophy for you. And when you are setting out for trophy hunting, upgrade your hunting gear. Besides the firearm,  look after the rifle scopes. A scope like the Schmidt and Bender Short Dot is perfect for long range hunting. You can keep both your eyes open while taking the shot if use this rifle scope.

However, for a hunter the success of a hunting trip cannot be always measured by the number of animals he shoots or their sizes. Traveling to a new place, meeting new people, exploring the terrain also matters. They contribute a lot in making a hunting expedition a success. But people are always allowed to differ. If success in hunting depends on the size and number of the game, then it’s fine as well.

Thus, trophy hunting defines different things for different hunters. But the kick that you get out of trophy hunting is almost same for all the hunters. So hunters, keep your hunting gears ready. It’s that time of the year again and you need to set out on your expeditions again!

Monday, 18 November 2013

Women and Hunting: A Growing Trend

Women’s interest in hunting is growing with passing time. That’s what the latest researches suggest. They are spending more time on deer blinds and tree stands whilst looking after their family as well. In the USA, while men still dominate the hunting fields, there is a trend that suggests that the number of women hunters have increased in the recent past. Hunting is popularly a sport and when you see around yourself, women have showed their interest in various adventure sports, like, mountaineering, sky diving, paragliding, etc. So why not hunting? The question is what is it that attracts women to hunting? It might be the interest in animals and their habitat.

There are suggestions that in search of local meat, women are opting for hunting. But this could not be the only reason, can it? In the recent years the number of women interested in hunting has risen by 25% in the USA. There is more to it than just an interest in the local meat. The effect can be seen in various sectors which are involved in hunting. For examples, workshops are held in various places for offering instructions in various hunting skills. These are the places where a woman can learn about archery, rifle shooting and shotgun. They know which scopes to buy. For instance, if they are opting for long range hunting, women are aware that products like Schmidt Bender Short Dot will be of help. There are several apparel collections that offer hunting clothes for women. SHE Outdoor Apparel, Cabela's, and PrĂ³is provide clothes and accessories designed especially for women hunters. On the other hand, archery manufacturing companies like Mathews Inc. have designed lighter bows for the convenience of women hunters.

It is also noteworthy that when you browse through the hunting information available on the Internet, you are sure to come across several images and articles that involve women hunters. There are blogs and social media sites where women participate actively to share their experience and put up queries regarding hunting. While it is true that women often hunt in the search of local meat, it might not be the case always. There are various commercial farms where it might be difficult to find local meat. To put up with this, many women have taken to hunting. And that’s a proven fact. However, there are both men and women hunters who resort to hunting for this reason.

Hunting is associated with fun and thrill. And this is one the reasons too why women are opting for hunting as an outdoor activity: for fun. Being outdoors, basking in the glory of nature, finding more about animals and their habitats in the company of their families is a temptation that is hard to resist. Thus, to keep pace with the growing trends, more and more women are showing interest in outdoor activities, like, hunting.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Mistakes To Avoid While Hunting

There are several mistakes that the hunters commit during hunting. These mistakes can have severe effects and can be unsafe as well. If you are not following basic hunting tips or the safety tips then you are doing wrong. Hunting is as much about adventure as it is about safety. There is no fun in the fact that you end up being physically hurt in the process. There are certain quite common but grave mistakes which you can avoid while on the hunting expedition. One of the first steps to go out on hunting is to pack the right kinds of equipments. Remember to buy the right kind of rifles and scopes. You can take a look at the Schmidt and Bender scopes if you are planning to buy one.

Wearing hunter orange is a safe option. Your requirements for camouflage will vary according to your hunting activities. There are instances, like, the archery hunting expeditions, do not require hunter orange. Next is building your treestand. this hunting tactic is a traditional one and an effective one as well. The animals are less likely to pick up your scent or even see you. But when you are 12 or 20 feet above the ground, it might not fetch you the desired results. In this case, you are standing too high and might miss your shot. It is not easy to aim from such a height. If you are too high the deer might find you from a distance. These might not look up but they eyesight is good and they will you see you from a distance. Moreover you create safety hazards for yourself.

Ascending or descending treestands is risky and avoid them in pitch darkness. You should always wear the safety harnesses. Thirdly, learning about deer movements is good but avoid scouting for deer sign. Using decoys, calls and scents might prove quite beneficial. During the mating season such tactics are quite effective but remember to change your tactics. Oft repeated tactics might not work everytime. Never drink when you are out hunting. You will need your senses in good working conditions so that you are able to take proper calls while hunting. Bucks and deer are heavy mammals. They might injure you as well. And if you are using a treestand, there is every chance that you might miss a step and end up being injured.

As mentioned earlier, do not forget to pack the essential hunting equipments. Rifles, scopes, knives, flashlight or headlamp, food, water, ropes, etc are some of the essential equipment for your hunting gear. When you are buying these things make sure that you do not compromise on the quality. While buying the firearms and their accessories online go through the reviews first. For instance, check out the Schmidt and bender scopes review if you are planning to buy this product.
If you follow the above mentioned points while you go out on a hunting expedition, it will help you to avoid the common mistakes and your trip successful and memorable for the right reasons.